I don't remember the exact date I purchased my Mr. Buddy Portable propane heater (I'm writing this post on November 27, 2024), but this was the first night I used it. Looking back on my post for this day, it seems I should have used the higher setting. I must have had it on the lower setting, since I still needed a lot of warm clothing to make it though the night. But then again, there was snow on the ground and there was no insulation on the thin fiberglass shell and there was also none on the windows on both sides of the shell.
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This is the second time I used the heater, but this time it was in a 2 season tent. One would think I would have learned my lesson and put it on high, but nooooooooooooo. I used the lower setting again. It was much more tolerable than my previous attempt, but still cold. But then, it was April, not November.
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