a caricature of an off-grid home
The Terms and Conditions
The Terms and Conditions

Applicable to those using The Blog at MyOffGrid.casa

Subscription Accounts

Opening a Subscription Account is free and (at least for the foreseeable future) always will be.

It's possible at some point, I could add premium downloadable content or perhaps premium courses or instructional videos, but that is VERY far in the future.

If you choose to submit an email address to receive Blog Updates, please use one you check regularly.

You may unsubscribe at any time.

I hate spam as much as you do. I will never sell or give away your email adress. I will never send you unsolicited emails/offers. Your email address will only be used to send you notices of blog updates.

No more than one email per day is ever intended. If you would like to have the ability to choose other frequency intervals to receive updates (such as once per week or once per month) please let me know. If I get enough requests, I may consider implementing those options.


Commenter Accounts

Registration will be required to create a Commenter account and all comments will be moderated before being approved for publication.

With the first submission that violates the conditions noted herein, the related account will be closed. There will be no notification of removal and no appeals will heard.

Here are some of the types of submissions that will result in your immediate removal from the list of those who are approved to post comments: spam of any kind, blatant sales pitches, get rich quick schemes and obscene, rude or hateful comments. In short, anything that has nothing to do with the post being commented on.

If moderating comments begins to take up too much of my time, I'll remove the ability competely.

No avatars are currently planned and comments will be text only (All HTML code will be removed - no working hyperlinks are allowed).

Right now, every comment "stands alone". I haven't figured out how to handle replies to other peoples' comments. If you choose to leave a reply to someone else's comment, please start out your comment with "Reply to {screen name}'s post on mm/dd/year".

Comments can only be made on posts that have a dedicated page. If you want to make a comment on a blog post that does not have a dedicated page, please feel free to leave your comment on the blog post closest in time to the post you would like to comment on and leave your comment there. Tip: you might want to start your post with something such as, "This comment applies to the post dated Mon Day, Year" so it is clear to which post your comment applies.

Questions can be asked and I and/or others will make our best efforts to answer them.

Creating an account is similar to Subscribing to receive blog post updates. It's a two step process.


Other Notes

Affiliate Links: At some point in time, I may place links to the products I use. I may also provide links to products I haven't used, but am considering. They might not be right for me, but they might be just what you need.

Also, I may set things up so I receive a small commission as an affiliate of the offering company when you purchase products using the links I provide. This will in no way increase the price you would pay for the product(s). That is just how vendors thank those who make their products more widely known.

I won't be placing disclaimers on every single page with a link to a product. This one notice will suffice for the entire website. In any event, if you've used the Internet for more than a few weeks, you are already aware of how affiliate links work, so I won't insult your intellegince by placing a smaller version of this disclaimer on every page.