8:30am - The handyman I had planned on using to set my corner posts called and said he wasn't going to make it today. The clutch went out in truck he normally uses and his backup truck needs some work, so he texted me to let me know today was a "no-go". He would let me know if we can do today's work tomorrow.
To occupy my time and get something done that really needed to be done, I broke out the Bauer pole saw and went to work. Right about where there is a natural open space is where I have decided to put the gate and driveway onto the property. This is where I've been parking my truck on my visits to the property. There is enough room to get the truck on the property and off the road, but just barely. There are some pretty narly bushes (with very sharp pointy leaves - painful) in the way keeping me from getting further onto the property (check out the before and after pictures).
At some point, they will have to be completely removed, but for now I only need a couple of extra feet to get further onto the property. What I thought would take a couple of hours took about eight (with some breaks, of course - it was pretty hot and I didn't want to risk getting dehydrated). The chain saw was new, so it required more attention than it will after a few uses. Mostly this extra attention was to continue to tighten the tension on the chain. It needed a little more tightening after every few cuts, at least in the beginning. Throughout the day it didn't require as much attention, but I kept checking and tightening as required.
After cutting for a while, I used a garden rake (with pointed tines, not a leaf rake with flexible 'fingers') to clean up what I cut away. Then I went back to cutting and alternated between cutting and cleaning up to use different muscles. All in all a productive, but very tiring day. And I haven't even really started. After all the corner posts are in, I will have to clear a straight line in order to put up the barbed wire fence. I'm not really looking forward to that, but it has to be done.
I drank some water every chance I got so it seemed like the final total would be rather large. After packing the truck to leave, it looks like at the most, I drank about twice what I normally drink at home. Makes sense, but I had convinced myself that it would come to 4 or 5 times my normal amount.
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