a caricature of an off-grid home
Blog Posts for December 2021
Blog Posts for December 2021
Dec 2

I made an offer today on the property I visited on November 22nd. It turns out the seller had already turned down offers of $8,000 and $9,000 so I had to meet his asking price of $10,000. I electronically signed the contract. Now it's up to the seller to accept my offer. I'm sure he will.

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Dec 3

I called the alternate septic contractor today. I don't know for sure, at this time, if I will end up saving any money, but it feels good just to be taking some action in the hopes that I will.

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Dec 6

I talked to a representative from the title company today. She filled me in on how to transfer the earnest money when the time comes.

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Dec 8

It turns out the seller accepted my offer, but for some reason, I wasn't informed of this (either by the real estate agent or by the title company representative). I hadn't heard anything for a couple of days, so I called to check. Using an app the title company has authorized, but one I had never heard of before, I sent my earnest money to the title agency. It didn't take long. Within an hour I found out my earnest money was accepted by the title agency through the app. If all goes well, escrow will close on the 30th of this month. I've heard escrows can close earlier than the appointed date, so stay tuned.

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Dec 11

Electronically signed some more Title Documents today.

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Dec 14

Both parties (buyer & seller) signed the purchase contract on the 2nd of this month. The due diligence period will end on the 22nd of this month and the close of escrow will take place on the 30th of this month.

The title agency I've been working with is not too far from the property, but way too far to drive to on a whim. Today, I found out they have branches here in Flagstaff. I'll be able to transact whatever business needs to be done here in Flagstaff and they will make sure it gets to the people at the branch I've been working with.

The perk test is schedule for Friday of this week.

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Dec 16

A couple of things... It looks as though the perk test has been rescheduled for Saturday.

Next, Version 1.0 of a Blog Post Comment system is now ready for your use. If you choose to use it, please let me know how it works for you and if you'd like to see any improvements.

Right now, every comment "stands alone". I haven't figured out how to handle replies to other peoples' comments. If you choose to leave a reply to someone else's comment, please start out your comment with "Reply to {screen name}'s post on mm/dd/year".

Creating an account is similar to Subscribing to receive blog post updates. It's a two-step process.

All comments will be moderated and can be refused (following what is listed on the Terms & Conditions page) with no appeal process.

The Subscription & Comment links are at the bottom of every page. You must be logged in to comment.

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Dec 20

The results of the perk test came in. What is apparently called a "traditional" septic system can be installed. That means the least expensive of the various systems available (though still not cheap) can be installed. I won't know exactly how much it will cost until I talk to the contractor and decide on details.

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Dec 22

Had a cashier's check made out to the title agency so I can close escrow (OUCH!). I'll drop it off at the title agency tomorrow.

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Dec 30

I received word from my real estate agent that everything needed to close escrow had been submitted to the title agency. I imagine the final processing and closing will take place on or after the first business day of the new year.

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