Today I bought a 55L/58 quart 12V/120V refrigerator/freezer from Vevor. I'm going to be needing it for trips to and from the property and then for sure once I start living there full time. It is normally $460, but it was on a Black Friday sale for $221 and I found a coupon for an additional $14 off. I couldn't pass it up. Eventually, I'll use it when I go on hours-long trips into town to do shopping (especially needed in the Summer). A regular ice chest would work for refrigerated items, but anything frozen would melt or thaw long before I would get home.
One thing I like about this model is the refrigerator and freezer compartments are completely separate and each section has its own lid. If there is a downside to this, you can't increase or decrease the size of either compartment. But the upsides are that only one lid has to be opened (which one depends on what you are after). And it may use less electricity due to completely isolated nature of each compartment. No mixing of air (or temperature) from one side to the other and back. It's fairly light with nothing in it, but based on someone's comment, once it is filled, that could change drastically. Just moving it a few feet is one thing, but if you have a relatively long trip from the car to the garage or house, I wouldn't want to risk dropping it on the way.
One commenter posted that his 12V plug didn't last long before it became unusable. I'm going to have to keep an eye on that and replace it if necessary.
I'll post more after I've used it a few times.
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My Vevor fridge/freezer arrived today. There was a big ol' footprint right on the top of the box and a couple of places where the cardboard box was torn open (last picture in tomorrow's post). Fortunately, when I opened it, everything looked fine. I'll plug it in and test it tomorrow.
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The User Manual for the cooler is in "Chinglish", but I tried to make sense out of it. There were a couple of details the manual didn't discuss, but I don't think they will cause the cooler to short out or in some other way stop working. I sent Vevor a request for clarification. Hopefully, they will get back to me within 24 hours as they said they would.
I plugged my Vevor fridge/freezer into normal wall power to test it out. I set the refrigerator section (marked "L" for large section - why not "R" for Refrigerator?) to 36°F and the freezer section to 0°F, even though it can be set to as low as -4°F. The freezer section is marked "S" for small section (why not "F" for freezer?) Click the thumbnail for pictures.
The set points were achieved in 30 minutes. Pretty amazing, but then both sections were empty. Most likely the results will be somewhat different with both sections full. Though, when I start using it, I'll do what I did today and only then pack both sections.
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