Not much has been happening since my last post. Just normal everyday life kind of stuff: running errands for supplies. I had to refill my 30lb propane tanks twice and of course get food.
Today it's snowing again and it looks like more for tomorrow. Then I'll get a few days relief and could get more next week. It is Winter after all and I'm at about 6,600 feet. Not much is "sticking". Almost as soon as it falls it melts. Tomorrow might be a different story.
Because of the weather, I need to watch my battery charge level. The battery is being charged, but if I'm not careful about my electricity use, I could use it faster than the panels can recharge the battery. Yes, that's right. One battery. And it's an AGM (lead acid) so it's best if I only use half or so of its maximum rated capacity. I have 3 LiFePO4 batteries, but I need cables and panels to get them set up. I already have the solar charge controller. Hopefully, I can get those up and running before too much longer.
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