a caricature of an off-grid home
Blog Posts for August 2024
Blog Posts for August 2024
Aug 22

After calling Thursday and Friday of last week and today, leaving messages and not getting return calls, I texted my contractor today. I guess that must be his preferred method of contact, because he responded.

He said he should be done with the spreading of the gravel by next week Tuesday. I'm hoping this will be the final step so I can order the shed.

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Aug 28

Today is the day after my contractor said he was going to spread the gravel. Since he didn't contact me to let me know whether or not he had, I sent him a text, left a phone message and sent him an email. I was almost shocked when he responded to my email within 10 or 15 minutes.

He said he completed spreading the gravel and then he laid out the next steps as he sees them. So it sounds as though he is still interested in working with me.

I then sent him another email and asked him if we could set a day and time for us to meet on the property to discuss the next steps. But he hasn't responded yet. I guess I'll have to get on the carousel for another round of phone calls, texts and emails to see which one he will respond to first. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow to read his reply, but I won't be holding my breath.

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Aug 30

Yesterday, I did the "hat trick" (or trifecta) of contact attempts (phone call, text, email) to get in touch with my contractor, but to no avail, so I called him again today. He didn't answer, so I left a message. Before I could send him a text (part 2 of the trifecta), my phone rang. He must have been away from his phone and couldn't pick up.

My original reason for the call was to set up a meeting on my property so I could inspect the work and discuss our next steps. I told him my thoughts and he seems to think he can locate a shed large enough to convert into a cabin for a reasonable price. I really don't think that will be possible, given what I've been able to discover on my own. But then, I don't have the contacts he does.

First, the shed will need to be purchased. But I will need one that is twice as large and at the same price as the one I'm considering.

Second, it will have to be outfitted. And unless my contactor can buy everything (at wholesale prices) needed to convert an empty shed into a fully functional cabin, my guess is that the process he is considering will be two to three times more expensive then what I have in mind - buying an empty shed for storage and an RV for living in.

But on the off chance he is on to something, I agreed to his making a few phone calls and getting back to me to tell me what he finds out. Unfortunately (for me) Monday is Labor Day (so that is one extra day lost), plus he said he will going out of town for the holiday. That will extend things a bit more, but if this idea plays out, it will be worth the wait.

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