a caricature of an off-grid home
Blog Posts for July 2024
Blog Posts for July 2024
Jul 29

I called my contractor today and he answered! (He's been difficult to reach, almost since Day 1.) I found out part of the reason for his not answering the phone when I call (sure, he is often in areas with no, or poor, cell phone reception, but I've always left voicemail messages) and for his not calling me with updates is he is experiencing more health issues. Without going into details, it looks like this latest problem won't be easily resolved.

He also said the gravel should be delivered to my property some time this week (though only time will tell). He then said he would be able to spread it to the areas where needed. I don't see how he can do that himself, given his current physical limitations. But maybe he will have a helper operate the equipment to do the spreading and he will supervise.

If this does indeed happen, he will then have me drive down and inspect what he has done. If all that meets with my approval, then I can order the shed. I don't want to get too excited just yet, but it does seem like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. (I just hope it's not an oncoming train.)

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