a caricature of an off-grid home
Blog Posts for April 2024
Blog Posts for April 2024
Apr 5

I talked to my contractor today. He is ready to finish the remaining work we've been planning all along. In my mind I thought today would only be a phone call to arrange for a date to finish the work. We had originally decided to talk earlier in the week this week and meet on the property today. Oh well. As it turns out, it might be for the best. We are supposed to get more snow today, both here and at the property. I wouldn't want to be driving or walking around on the property while snow is falling.

The new plan is to talk again this weekend. If the weather for the next few days looks to be mild, we'll schedule a new date for the meeting on the property. Getting there!

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Apr 9

Travel Day. Since I would only be staying on the property one night, I spent all day yesterday reducing what I took on previous trips, to the bare minimum. I left the tent behind and everything that goes along with it and decided to sleep in the bed of the truck as I did my first time on the property.

Corner of fence

Today's Photos

Fortunately, the trip was without incident, so I arrived with enough time available to speak with one of the two shed salesmen from whom I'm considering purchasing my shed. Then I continued on to the property.

The gate my contractor installed was wide open (after all, there's nothing to steal yet) so I drove right onto the property.

Today's Video

After parking the truck, I broke out the 100' tape measure and measured all four sides of the barbed wire fence. The front and back sides (the shorter sides) were exactly what I expected them to be. The longer sides were about two feet shorter than I expected, but that's because he set the front fence back that much from the road (an easement) to be sure it would not have to be moved in the future if the county ever questioned its location.

Then I walked around the property and took pictures of the work he did on the septic system and leech field. (Photos above)

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Apr 10

After my contractor arrived, we walked around the property discussing the work he had already performed and what was left to do to make it possible for me to move onto the property full time.

He will spend a week or so spreading out the piles of dirt around the property, getting the RV and shed areas level and spreading gravel for the driveway and parking areas.

We spent a couple of hours doing that, then I broke camp, packed up the truck and then drove to speak with another shed salesman. I still haven't settled on which seller I will purchase my shed from, but I'm getting closer.

After that, it was time to return home. Fortunately, there were no problems on the return trip either.

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Gate Gate Corner of fence Interior of Property Interior of Property Interior of Property Interior of Property Septic Tank Septic Tank & Distribution Point Leech Field Leech Field