I called my contractor a few days ago but I didn't get a call back, so I called him today and found out why. He hasn't recovered 100% from the medical condition I wrote about earlier and now he has to deal with another. I don't know if his second condition was a direct result of his first, but it certainly could be. (Yes, I'm being intentionally vague in an effort to preserve his privacy.) And in the long run, none of those details matter. What matters is that the situation is dragging on longer than I would like. But all that is beyond my control and I don't want to rush his recovery and be responsible for any kind of relapse.
During today's conversation, in one breath he said he would call me next week and in the next he said it might be mid-March before we can take the final steps. That sort of hit me like a punch to the gut, but only because for the past six months at least all I have been thinking about is already living on the property full time. But looking at things from a practical perspective, the weather hasn't been very cooperative lately. Mid-March might be better weather for working outdoors.
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