I spoke with my contractor today. There is only one more inspection required before the septic system will be signed off by the county. My contractor will complete some minor tasks before they perform their final inspection. The tank itself has been placed in the hole dug for it and has been leveled. He will cover that and the leach area, leaving small open areas for the county inspectors.
After the septic system is signed off, he will apply for a change of address for me. My property is bounded by two roads and "someone" decided my property should not have the same road number assigned to it as does every other property on my road. Go figure!
My contractor should be calling me near the end of this week to give me another status report. After that, he will be getting a hip replacement. My next trip to the property should be mid-January. We will walk the property. I can inspect all the work he has done. Then together we will decide where to grade the property for the driveway and RV & vehicle parking areas.
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