I spoke with my contractor today. The fence is done. The gates would have been installed, but the supplier delivered the wrong size. Hopefully the right ones will be delivered and installed next week. Before much else can be done, we are waiting on the county inspectors to pay a visit.
Near the end of next week, we should be ready to talk about where to place the RV, storage shed and vehicle parking pads.
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I spoke with my contractor today. The fence is still done and the gates still haven't been installed. I don't know if the second "try" at delivering the right size gates hasn't happened yet or if the vendor sent the wrong size gates again. I think the vendor didn't understand what the contractor wanted. The vendor may have jumbled the dimensions for H, W and L and sent the wrong size.
Everything needed for the septic system has been ordered, but delivery to the property has not been requested. Without the gates being in place and lockable, it would not be a good idea to have all the parts and equipment sitting on the property unsecured.
The county inspectors still haven't visited the property yet. I was hoping to be on the property before the first snowfall this season, but it's starting to look less and less likely. But even if I'm on the property later than I'd like to be, I'm hoping the snow this season won't be as frequent or as heavy as this past winter.
I made sure the contractor knew I wanted to be on the property before he started grading for the driveway, RV, storage and vehicle parking pads. But that won't happen until after the septic system is completely finished and permitted.
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Today I received a letter from the county's Public Health Services Department. It is titled "Construction Authorization" and summarizes the work my contractor will be doing for me (at least as far as the septic system and leach field is concerned). It looks like everything is a "go". There are one or two sentences that worry me and seem to me to be "weasel out" clauses - clauses they could call info effect if they don't like how the work is progressing, but I guess they feel they have to cover themselves somehow. Even so, I have confidence my contractor will be able to handle any "negatives" they might come up with.
Even though the work won't be done as quickly as I would like, at least with this document in hand, we are one step closer.
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