a caricature of an off-grid home
Blog Posts for September 2023
Blog Posts for September 2023
Sep 5

I finally called the contractor who was recommended to me by my real estate agent. Part of the reason I had been putting it off was that we have been getting a lot of rain. Not torrential, but frequent. I didn't want him to be doing work in the mud (and possibly getting stuck and/or tearing up the property) and I didn't want to be rained on in my tent that may very well be prone to leaks.

We talked in general about what I had in mind for the property and he said he is available. I sent him a document outlining all the work I have planned for this first stage. It's going to be expensive, but when he is done, the property will be ready for me to move onto it.

But even at that point, I won't be ready right away. There are a number of details I have to work out. I also have to decide on the timing of the next series of tasks I have to complete before I can move onto the property.

I'll know more about all this after I meet the contractor on my property on Monday. I had hoped to stay a few days to oversee his progress (and hopefully learn a few things in the process), but I was already thinking I wouldn't want to get in his way. Apparently he was thinking the same thing, because he said that after we meet and decide on all the details of the work he will be doing, it would be best if I leave and return when when he is finished.

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Sep 10

Travel day. I packed the truck yesterday and checked the air in the tires and fluid levels. Left Flagstaff around 11:30am - a bit later than I had hoped. For the most part the trip was uneventful. That is, apart from the overturned semi-truck. My first thought was, this could be a delay of hours. But as it turned out, it was only 15 minutes. Phew!

I arrived on the property around a bit after 3:15pm and set up camp, even though I will only be staying a couple of days, at the most.

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Sep 11

I met with the contractor and gave him copies of the paperwork he will need to submit to the county agencies to get permits and inspections to complete the work. We walked the property until he was confident with what he saw. I also gave him a check for 50% of the total we agree upon.

My neighbor never did contact me and since he placed one fence post directly next to the property surveyor's corner pin, we may use his fence post after all. But since it is a wooden 4"x4" and since my contractor wants to use steel pipes for the corner posts (because wood may only last a few years), we may not. Time will tell.

My contractor said he had a couple of days worth of other work to complete before he could start on mine. Then, as he put it, "I'll hit it hard." Since there really wasn't much more for me to do and since it was still relatively early in the morning, I decided to pack up and leave.

On my previous trips, there were at least a couple of days between my arrival and departure, so I was able to recover. But not this trip. By the time I was packed up and ready to leave, I was beat! The wind certainly didn't help any. I was running all over the place trying to redo what the wind was busy undoing. Not fun. But eventually I won. I may decide not to use the tent at all next time. Especially if I will only be on the property for a day or two. I may take a lot less "stuff" and sleep in the bed of the truck (it has a shell on it). A lot less work will be involved that way.

One thing I did before leaving the property was to measure the distance from a tree at the corner of the property to the starting point of the opening for the gate I will need. If a culvert pipe is needed and in my case I decided it would be a good idea, a county mandate requires it to be 20' in length and made of steel, not plastic. Since that was the case and since I want to be able to get the RV and storage unit onto the property with a minimal (I hope) amount of trouble, I decided to also make the gate 20' in width. With this task out of the way, I could now leave for home.

Fortunately, I made it home successfully - no problems or delays.

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Sep 14

I spent most of yesterday and today putting together a document to put specifics to, what up to now have been only generalities for the placement of the various items on the property. The locations for the septic system and leach field have already been determined by an engineer. After the contractor approves where I have placed those items on my property map, I can then pin down the locations of the RV, shipping container / storage unit, vehicle parking areas and driveway. I'll put the property map on the site when it is finalized.

I emailed and texted him with what I have so far. Hopefully he can review them and get back to me in the next day or so.

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Sep 21

I just heard from my contractor today. He has done some tree trimming (in addition to what I had already done) and will be starting on the fencing tomorrow and laying out the location for the septic system. Things are underway!

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Sep 26

I sent my contractor a check as a progress payment. It was about another quarter of the total amount. That means one more check to be handed over when he is all done.

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