It finally happened! My first trip to my property after closing on it and being officially mine (almost exactly a year).
At first, I decided to wait until I got a truck (that's a whole story in itself). I couldn't really do any work out of my little 4 door Saturn. I bought the truck in May of this year.
Right about that time, we started getting more rain we have had in the last few years. I didn't want to go slogging around in mud or driving on my property in mud, damaging the grounds and possible getting stuck.
Between the weather and other responsibilities, this was the first opportunity I have had.
When it looked like this trip might become a reality, I set up a sort of staging area inside my apartment, getting things ready to be loaded into the truck when the time was right.
I completed packing the truck this morning. I did some packing in the past few days and weeks, but because the temps have been below freezing on many nights lately, I decided to remove anything likely to be damaged due to freezing. That had to be returned to the truck and all the rest needed to packed up. It took me about 5 hours to finish packing and hit the road.
Part of why it took so long was because I thought I was going to be spending at least a week on the property, so I packed accordingly. More about why I only spent 3 days / 2 nights on the property in the next two blog posts.
I got to the property about 3:30 pm and unloaded some supplies I will be leaving on the property when I return home. Then swept out the truck bed and set it up for sleeping. But because of the shorter days of Winter, I didn't have time for much else. Now it was around 5:30 pm, the sun was pretty much gone and it was getting colder by the minute. My only thought was getting in the sleeping bag and getting warm. I didn't set up the propane heater. I'm sure that would have taken longer than I wanted it to, as late as it was getting. I knew it was going to get cold, but the weather forecast didn't say anything about snow tonight, so I decided to risk it.
As the night hours passed, it kept getting colder. I put on a fleece anorak, then a balaclava, gloves and a blanket. I was finally getting to the point where I knew I wasn't going to suffer frostbite, but I never got comfortable and had a rather fitful sleep. All in all, quite an experience.
More on this tomorrow...
Tap/Click on the thumbnail above for some photos I took after arriving at the property.
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