a caricature of an off-grid home
Blog Post for Monday, November 29, 2021
Monday, November 29, 2021

My real estate agent returned my email from Friday.

She wrote that she contacted the seller's agent for the property. That agent will send her any information she has on it. When/if she does, my agent said she will forward that information to me.

I emailed her back asking if I should deal directly with the seller's agent. I assured her this has nothing to do with her, but I need to save money everywhere I can.

My understanding is, that with properties in the price range I'm considering, buyers may have to pay some of the commission a buyer's agent would qualify for (and which normally would be paid for completely by either the seller's agent or the seller). For example, the seller might only pay 60% of the buyer's agent's commission and the buyer would have to pay the remaining 40% of the commission to the buyer's agent.

I'm sure I will be protected even if I deal directly with the seller's agent (title and escrow companies will be involved) but I may be able to save some money.

We'll see what my agent has to say on this.


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